Sunday, May 18, 2014

Medieval Times Atlanta

These are just a few shots of Jacobs birthday present and dinner this year... MEDIEVAL TIMES. It was really fun and I would def recommend going some time! We had a blast, I only wish I coulda bought more loot than I did. 

Monday, May 5, 2014

Love and Fur

Love and Fur

My husband is a great guy. Not just for the way he makes me laugh, likes buying me pretty things, always want to be around me and involved with my life and family, is so protective of me, cuddley,  happy or even how cute he is. He is alot of fun and the best bestie I ever had. We just connect, like a string is attached to both of us. And youde swear his hugs could fix anything. But the best part is not all these wonderful things......

One of the super great things about him is not shown in how he loves me, but in how he loves our fur kids. He is the best fur dad. So loving, spoiling, tolerant and protective. He has a way with animals just as I do. Our fur kids are lucky duckies! 

 How a person treats animals says ALOT for their character.